Ros is an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ACIS) in the UK and a member of the Society for Human Resource Management in the USA. She is a Certified Compensation Professionals (CCP) and Certified Master Coach. Ros is also a Certified Facilitator of the renowned “The Leadership Challenge” workshop based on the research of Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner.
Ros is the founder and Managing Director of Caribbean Catalyst Inc.(CCI) which was established in 2005. CCI provides comprehensive Human Resources consulting services throughout the Caribbean region. Under her leadership Caribbean Catalyst Inc. has taken many progressive initiatives. One such initiative is the biennial Barbados’ Best Employers programme. She has successfully led a number of local and regional human resource projects.
Prior to starting Caribbean Catalyst Inc., Ros provided strategic human resources leadership in a professional services firm in Barbados and then in the Caribbean. In this capacity, she led the implementation of a number of human resource development and process improvement initiatives which provided much of the foundation for sustainable growth.
Ros has been the Engagement Director for many local and regional projects ranging from Executive Leadership Development to Compensation and Benefits Advisory services.
Ros is a frequent speaker/facilitator on a number of strategic human capital topics and is the author of various HR related articles.