Do you have a fear of public speaking?  Do you need to improve your presentation skills?  Go Present is the programme for you.  This practical two day workshop will give you key tools for not only improving your presentation skills but also enhancing your communication skills.  The workshop is designed to give participants the opportunity to practice planning and delivery techniques so that they can deliver polished, compelling presentations.

Regardless of the topic or audience, this workshop will offer practical ideas to enhance participants’ communication styles so that they can meet even the most challenging presentation goals while being true to who they are.

This workshop is designed to be very participative and practical.  Participants come to the workshop prepared to make a five minute presentation. Another five minute presentation is also done at the end of the workshop to assess participants’ improvements.  The facilitators and fellow participants provide each presenter with structured feedback. 

Programme Content: (knowledge and skills that participants will acquire)

  • Basic principles on how to deliver powerful presentations
  • Characteristics of a good presenter
  • Eight steps to preparing a powerful presentation
  • Presentation vs. Speech
  • Overcoming presentation anxiety
  • Dealing with logistics (facility, equipment, etc)
  • Using appropriate visual aids
  • Your voice, verbal messages and visual images
  • Your most powerful visual aid – YOU
  • Handling ‘problem’ personalities
  • Delivery and assessment of participants’ presentations