The Leadership Challenge Workshop® is built on three decades of research by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner. Caribbean Catalyst Inc. facilitates this workshop which demystifies the concept of leadership and approaches it as a learnable set of behaviours. The programme includes an interactive workbook which provides a framework in which participants can discover the deeper meanings of the Five Exemplary Practices of Leaders which are:

  • Model the Way
  • Inspire a Shared Vision
  • Challenge the Process
  • Enable Others to Act
  • Encourage the Heart 

The Workshop requires the completion of a 360° assessment called the Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI). The research data shows that leaders who engage in the behaviours measured by the LPI are more effective and successful. As each Exemplary Practice is addressed, the relevant section of the LPI is used as a starting point for participants to focus on the practical things that they can do to become more effective leaders.

This workshop goes beyond the typical training session. It seeks to change the approach of the leadership of the organisation and lends itself to being a guide towards inculcating new behaviours.